
Finding Local Labour

Find Local Labour Easily With Grafter

Professional Builder Toolfair Success For Grafter. Last week we attended the Professional Builder Toolfair, where we got to meet a raft of clients and grafters and got some excellent feedback from all.

We spent most of 2017 developing the Grafter solution so meeting users face to face and understanding their needs really reinforced the unique nature of what we do – innovating a sector that has been slow to adopt technology.

From our discussions with builders, electricians and plumbers, it’s clear that the Grafter platform has some clear benefits compared to traditional way of finding people:

We’re always looking to improve the Grafter service so the Toolfair feedback was invaluable. But the best bit was helping so many businesses at the show find Grafters!

Let Grafter work for you. Find out more here or if you are looking for work go here to learn more about working with Grafter.